"Horses change lives. They give our young people confidence and self esteem. They
provide peace and tranquility to troubled souls- they give us hope!" -Unknown
    Sanny was not the first horse I rode. In fact Cisco, my step-mom Angela's horse, and Grandma Jan's horse, Hilada, were the first horses I rode. These two horses got me hooked on riding, eventhough it didn't take too much convincing.  They gave me confidence and I learned that one day I would want a horse of my very own.
    I had a fascination with Sanny and we both grew to know and love each other. She gave me the hope that someday everything would work out. From the smallest of things like trying to read to learning how to balance my life and grow in a split home, she was there. She was also there when I first learned about how to live and use my dyslexia. She was there when I didn't understand what was happening between my parents. She knew just what to do when I felt like my life was flying apart. There were days I would just hang-out in her stall, grooming and hugging her, spending quiet time when everything seemed so stressful and loud.  She was a gift from God.
Lisa McLeod
1/10/2013 12:18:29 pm

You're making me miss my ole pony. Many good hours spent with her, and yes horses know how to help us heal.


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    Thenks to Kim Meeder's Photo Gallery for the picture that is above.

    Deanna Farnes

    My Paso Fino filly is now almost 5 and the joy of my life. The friendship of a horse can be amazing and help heal most anything if you let them in.


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