"You see a horse . . . I see . . . Freedom, Spirit, Courage, Strength, Heart, Grace, Honesty, Therapy . . ." -Unknown
    Horses have so many side effects to them and not a single one is bad! Horses have helped people with disabilities from a broken back to depression and even ADD. For horse therapy to work it takes more than just a few rides, it takes a friendship and the willingness to care for one another. Even animals will start to find a friend in people that take time for them. Although, horses can have a major effect on a person's life by improving their physical and mental well being.  There is no particular amount of time in which you would see a change in someone. For some people it is instantaneous, the connection they have with these big animals.  For others, it takes a longer time to bond and begin to trust a horse to take care of you.  However it is 100% worth it.
    Now some might question what horses have to do with the healing process, but until you experience a horse for yourself you will not understand. Even if you do not have any problems either mentally, physically, or emotionally, a horse can only improve your life.

Heidi Curtis
1/10/2013 03:51:00 am

Hey there Deanna
I really like your blog! Interestingly, I was just meeting with another IDVA student this morning about her senior project. She did hers on equine therapy and used this same book as a resource. I know another IDVA student in your neck of the woods who is also interested in equine therapy. I think I will send her your blog! Nice work!

1/10/2013 05:43:52 am


I have a life-long love affair with horses and know well the therapeutic effects they can have on an individual. I was raised with horses and am a former horse owner as well and remember the loneliness I lived with. My horses were wonderful friends and companions and I never felt that bone-deep loneliness when I was with them.


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    Thenks to Kim Meeder's Photo Gallery for the picture that is above.

    Deanna Farnes

    My Paso Fino filly is now almost 5 and the joy of my life. The friendship of a horse can be amazing and help heal most anything if you let them in.


    May 2013
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