Hey everyone. I don't know how many people are still following my blog, and I know that I haven't posted for a while, but today I want to dedicate my blogging to our dog, Kona. Even though this blog is all about horses today we had to put down our much loved yellow lab husky mix. So I want to tell everyone about her.
    When I first met Kona she was a young pup at my Grandma and Grandpa Bartholomew's, my mom's parents. She was full of energy and loved to chew on things. She didn't make a good fit with my Grandparents and the dog they already had, so they gave her to the pound and up for adoption. From the first day I saw her I fell in love with this one blue, one brown, eyed dog. When I went to Ang and Dad's I told them all about her and what she was like, especially that she was up for adoption. I was too young to know what her breed was so I just called her a husky. Well the hunt was on and they looked around, and they finally found her. Sure enough they fell in love with her just as I did. 
    I remember the day we adopted her as if it was yesterday. I was coming back after being with my mom and had no idea or even suspicion of what was going on. When I went into the house there Kona was and what a day. At first all I know was that this was Kona and I remember saying, "Hey, that’s Kona." very matter of fact like. After I processed what it really meant that Kona, the dog I fell in LOVE with, was in our living room. Aside from getting my first horse, Sanny, that day was one of the best days that I can remember. 
    After that first day Kona wormed her way into our lives and hearts. She ate a couch, several different electrical cords, and she was the biggest tattle-tale there ever was. She loved to go for runs in the horse pasture to look for birds and ground squireels.  She especially loved "killing" her toys with a good, strong growling shake.  We are going to miss her so much; especially the way that she "wooed" and told us her woes all day long. So here is my little bit to the highly loved, and now missed little girl, Kona.

1/31/2013 11:24:14 pm

That is a lovely tribute to your Kona girl. I am so sorry for the loss and I know she meant so much to you and your family. She will be with you always.


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    Thenks to Kim Meeder's Photo Gallery for the picture that is above.

    Deanna Farnes

    My Paso Fino filly is now almost 5 and the joy of my life. The friendship of a horse can be amazing and help heal most anything if you let them in.


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